"Helping The Unseen Be Seen
and The Unheard Be Heard"

In the Country music world, what you think you see is not always reality.
Perception is Everything!
Perception is reality
What looks like a band playing on stage above is actually an AI generated image of something that doesn't exist. You might also find videos of real bands playing on stage, but they don't show the empty audience. Appearance is what matters, not reality.
When you’re trying to make a living playing music, it doesn’t matter how big you are, what matters is how big the people you want to hire you think you are.
You’ve probably heard the saying, “Fake it ’til you make it” right? When you’re out there knocking on doors, trying to get your next gig, you need to leave a great impression. You need to make yourself stand out from the crowd.
What you need is a great press kit, filled with things that make the people reading it smile and say, “I want them”.
Whether you are in a cover band just playing on weekends, or a singer/songwriter trying to get your music heard, if you just want to be known locally, be a bigger regional attraction, or you’re shooting for the big time here in Nashville, keep reading and I’ll share with you a few tools that I offer to help you rise above your competition, and put more money in your pocket as well.
Or maybe you just something cool to impress your friends? I can help you with that too!

First problem with promotion is….are you honestly any good?
A lot of people will lie to you just to get your money. Or your family won’t tell you the truth because they don’t want to hurt your feelings. I can give you a more realistic opinion of you and your music, and where you should be focusing your time.

Another problem with promotion is….nobody wants to be first.
Every radio station wants to know what other shows you’ve already been on, because they don’t want to be first. I can help you craft a reality where they won’t be the first, but they’ll wish they were.